Todas las entradas de Ismael Cordero

EANM´16, October 15 – 19, 2016

European Association of Nuclear Medicine, October 15 – 19, 2016 On behalf of the European Association of Nuclear Medicine, it is my pleasure to invite you to the 29th Annual EANM Congress in Barcelona, Spain in October 2016. Seven years after EANM’s last visit, Barcelona is again hosting our Annual Congress. We are very much looking […]

IMIC, 10 – 14 October 2016

International Conference on Integrated Medical Imaging in Cardiovascular Diseases, 10 – 14 October 2016 In 2016, the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) will hold the International Conference on Integrated Medical Imaging in Cardiovascular Diseases (IMIC 2016) in order to follow up on the most recent advances in the use of medical imaging in the management […]

SNMMI ANNUAL MEETING, 11 – 15 June 2016

SNMMI ANNUAL MEETING, 11 – 15 June 2016 Make your plans to join your colleagues from across the globe at the SNMMI 2016 Annual Meeting. This year’s meeting—June 11-15 in San Diego, CA— features more than 150 scientific and CE sessions, 1,000+ scientific posters, a world-class exhibit hall, and more. Click the image above to […]

Jornada Actualización SUBIMN 2016 – Actualización en neoplasma de mama

ACTUALIZACIÓN EN NEOPLASMA DE MAMA Sábado 28 de mayo 2016 09:00 – Diagnostico imagenológico de cáncer de mama; Dr. J.Parada. 09:20 – Tratamiento médico; Dr. A. Vázquez. 09:40 – Tratamiento quirúrgico; Dr. E. Folle. 10:00    Coffe 10:20 – Radiofármacos en cáncer de mama; Dr. J. Giglio. 10:40 – Centellograma en ganglio centinela; Dra. V. Depons. 11:00 – PET/CT en neoplasma […]

Curso Internacional «Progresos en Oncología Molecular y su impacto a nivel Clínico»

Curso Internacional «Progresos en Oncología Molecular y su impacto a nivel Clínico» Organizadores Eduardo Osinaga, Mario Varangot y Nora Berois Institut Pasteur de Montevideo – Facultad de Medicina, Udelar Fechas: 2 al 6 de mayo de 2016 Lugar: Instituto Pasteur de Montevideo, Uruguay Dirigido a: Oncólogos clínicos, patólogos, hematólogos y otros especialistas de la Medicina vinculados con […]

Good Practice for Introducing Radiopharmaceuticals for Clinical Use

IAEA TECDOC SERIES IAEA-TECDOC-1782 The use of new radiopharmaceuticals can provide extremely valuable information in the evaluation of cancer, as well as heart and brain diseases. Information that often times cannot be obtained by other means. However, there is a perceived need in many Member States for a useful reference to facilitate and expedite the […]